My sister's baby shower at her house was so much fun! Filled with delicious food and awesome guests! We played some games and had a great ol' time wishing Thania the best on her new road to mommyhood!!
Here are some pictures of it:
{above the games/activities set up}
{a matted picture with the "belly" - guests would write messages for the parents to be}
{card from our dad - he should know he has 5 kids!!}
{eating baby food and guessing the flavors}
{Jackie giving her 2 cents}
{my mom and Ronnie}
{she's all set!!}
{Julien playing with the baby}
{soon to be a family of 3}
Congratulations! We are so excited!!!
Felicidades!! Estamos emocionados!!
Love it! thank you for all the help, hosting and beautiful pictures! Dominic, Yon and I really appreciate it.
Nooo worries!!! I'm happy to step up to my duties as a big sis :D
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