Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Baby Shower!

Last Saturday we did this!!

My sister's baby shower at her house was so much fun! Filled with delicious food and awesome guests! We played some games and had a great ol' time wishing Thania the best on her new road to mommyhood!!

Here are some pictures of it:

{above the games/activities set up}

{a matted picture with the "belly" - guests would write messages for the parents to be}

 {card from our dad - he should know he has 5 kids!!}

{eating baby food and guessing the flavors}

 {Jackie giving her 2 cents}

{my mom and Ronnie}

{she's all set!!}

{Julien playing with the baby}

{soon to be a family of 3}

Congratulations! We are so excited!!!

Felicidades!! Estamos emocionados!!


thanialu said...

Love it! thank you for all the help, hosting and beautiful pictures! Dominic, Yon and I really appreciate it.

SuburbanWife said...

Nooo worries!!! I'm happy to step up to my duties as a big sis :D