Wow!! Tons of stuff to do and thank goodness we were relatively early to all of them!
It started with soccer at 9 AM - last game. Jackie got a super cool trophy for her efforts and parents were asking Chris if he'd be coaching next year again. I thought that was really nice and I hope he keeps on doing it. Our kids will have that build meant for soccer players and we just need to develop their skills more. Jackie says she likes it!! We shall see what we do with little Jules.
On our way back home from soccer we decided to stop by Tim Horton's to get some breakfast and saw very good friends of ours eating inside, so we decided to join them! It was a quick breakfast but nonetheless enjoyable!
Then we came home showered and went to Gahanna for lunch at Cicis with the Lebolds! My surrogate grandparents! We had a good time with them and Christen and her family. It was a bit nostalgic talking about how they need to get rid of almost everything they own as they make the last transition of their lives into an assisted living apartment. They will be right on Neil Ave by Victorian village on a newly remodeled apartment. I have signed up to be a mover helper a couple of weeks from today. They have been so crucial in my life and so inspiring. I've always felt at home at their house!
Then we left Gahanna to go downtown to watch the greatest show on earth!! The Barnum and Baileys Circus! Fun fun fun! After some seating problems (not ours but other people that can't read the seat numbers) we had a blast. It was 5 families with 10 kids in tow *all kids under 7! We had dinner at Bucca Di Beppo and really enjoyed the food there except it was a bit chaotic keeping the kids in check. In any case, it was a fun dinner for everybody. Then off to our very good friend's house for an after-circus-dinner- party. Overall a cool and busy Saturday!
Sunday of course was for resting! We took it easy in the morning, but I really wanted to take Jackie see her friends Leah and Alyssa watch their ballet performance. They are on the same dance academy Jackie is but they have are performing on a different show due to age differences. So we made it over and really enjoyed watching the littlest girls do ballet. It was soooo cute. Jackie was excited to see her friends and she is now officially nervous of her upcoming performance. I'm sure she will shine and we will be there to cheer her on :)
This weeks promises another fun week with an outing for Battelle on Monday (non-family related so it's just us), then Wednesday a wine tasting event and then Saturday and Sunday all about ballet performances! I'm a little nervous I forgot to get tickets for Jackie's performance!! And they are getting sold out apparently! UGH, I hope I can at least get 7 tickets to include the full party attending!! Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!!